Irish Neutrality

Something I have come across that I did not really know much about:

Ireland was neutral in WWII.

I mean, I kind of knew it, but I had not really focused on it. It is sort of left out of the official histories, largely I think because Ireland is and was so embarrassed by it after the fact.

Turns out that 70,000 Irish from southern Ireland did volunteer for UK, which is impressive. But it also just makes me kind of sad to learn that Ireland really did push neutrality through the whole course of the war, including propaganda stating that they their course of action was the best course of action. I wonder how long Ireland would have lasted if the UK fell... 2-4hrs maybe?

Some interesting reading, first about a POW camp where certain Americans were interred for the course of the war along with German pilots

And also the wikipedia article covering the Irish neutrality


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