The Most Expensive Home in the World

Actually, I think the statistic which is more impressive is that this is not just the most expensive home in the world, it is also the second most expensive building ever built. Which is frankly ridiculous, considering this is a "private residence."

What is this place? Antilia - the home in South Mumbai belonging to businessman Mukesh Ambani, the billionaire Chairman of Reliance Industries. The home will house Ambani, wife Nita, their three children and Ambani's mother.... and 600 full time staff.

Ridiculous. The concept of needing 600 staff in a $2 billion home for 6 people right next to one of the world's poorest slums? It makes Carnegie, Mellon, Astor, Morgan, Rockefeller etc etc look like Ghandi.

File:Ambani house mumbai.jpg

Most Expensive Home


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