Selling $60 Billion to the Saudis

Well, if there is one thing that will help (somewhat) our massive trade imbalance with Saudi Arabia - its fighter jets. We're good at making 'em, and they want 'em. They have wanted them for years... but now.. we are facing down Iran. So we are selling them $60 billion in arms, with the big-ticket item being already dated F-15s (don't get me wrong, this is a great gen 4.5 aircraft, but a big step behind the JSF and other 5th gen fighters or the F-22 Raptor which is often referred to as gen 6 - but that we refuse to sell to anyone, including countries like Australia).

The interesting thing is that the reason we have not done this in the past (and the last jumbo arms purchase by the Saudis was from British BAE - though no doubt with the US's blessing) is because of Israel. They really don't like the idea that these modern aircraft and other armaments could be used against, well, them.

And so we have pulled off a nice little trick. Every fighter aircraft broadcasts a signal which lets people know if it is friend or foe. Well, really, its that friends can see your signal, and foes cant, so they assume you are not a friend. What these F-15s will have is a feature that prevents them from firing upon US or Israeli aircraft. Interesting really, selling marginal allies weapons which can only be used against our enemies. I like it.


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