The Electorate is, Finally, Tiring of Unions

Unions are increasingly dominated by public-sector workers. And they are increasingly out of touch with reality. Which means they were in touch with the Democrats, spending 96% of their political contributions on Democrats in the last election (and I bet the rest went to "independents" who vote democrat).

The thing is, the people of this country are finally getting sick of the raise-taxes, pay-us-more, and protect-our-jobs message of the public unions. From the WSJ:

In the midst of the contentious 2009 gubernatorial race in New Jersey, the state's teachers union took a poll of its own members and found only a slight majority preferred the candidate the union had endorsed, Democratic incumbent Jon Corzine, over Republican challenger Chris Christie. The alarmed union, the New Jersey Education Association (NJEA), swung into action with a campaign that included phoning 100,000 of its members and urging them to vote for Mr. Corzine, according to union documents leaked last November to the Education Intelligence Agency, a watchdog web site.

The electorate may also be turning away from public unions because of their relentless campaigning for higher taxes. Mr. Christie has estimated that New Jersey's public unions spent some $4 million throughout the spring on ads advocating higher taxes and railing against his budget. In California, the teachers union has kicked in $500,000 as part of a campaign to rescind business tax breaks to keep jobs in the state. Last year in Michigan, a coalition of unions engineered a campaign called "A Better Michigan Future" that advocated hundreds of millions in new taxes, which the state legislature rejected.

All I can be is thankful that people are starting to see the waste and stupidity that these unions represent. Hopefully the tea party (though again - they are actually the most anti-union part of the political spectrum) does not screw it all up in November by having too many of their candidates on the ballots.


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