England Wants your Money

Ahh England.

The Emerald Isle.

The Motherland.

The throne of the Empire.

The home of freedom and democracy in the modern era.

Errr... well.. at least it used to be. Because now, it is know for watching all of its citizens very very closely. It has become the closest thing to the Big Brother State the world has ever seen. Hell, they even love the show Big Brother in a perverse irony. The UK watches you when you drive, when you walk through the street, when you shop, when you use any public area, and when you travel - to a degree that no other nation on Earth comes close to matching. It has proposed using satellites to watch you drive, your neighbors to review CCD videos to find infractions, and now it has taken a step further.

It wants to get paid, instead of you. And then the balance of your paycheck, whatever they don't take for themselves, they will kindly transfer into your bank account.

If that does not raise your hackles, get your blood boiling, grind your gears and just piss you off, then you have lost your sense of self and desire to be an individual.

I cant believe they would even propose such a thing - but to them it is just the next logical step down the road. Right now there are lots of errors in terms of paying the right amount of taxes - wouldn't it all be much simpler if the government just made those errors for you? Not to mention the difficultly of working with with large, information-intensive data sets, which the government of the UK is one of the best in the world at, much better than the big, efficient public companies of the UK, or any company for that matter. And finally, the Government is probably the one you trust the the most to keep your information safe, to handle it well, to have reliable employees. And fundamentally, it is the organization you would be most likely to think of as being impartial, without its own agenda, largely faultless in its quest for a safe, reliable, and pleasant country.


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