Drilling Ban

A little while ago I wrote about how the drilling ban in the gulf was an idiotic (and luckily shot down by the judicial branch - so far) decision on the part of our President. So... par for the course from Obama really.

But more and more article have come out in the last couple days about how everyone in Louisiana, after being hit hard by Katrina and now this seemingly endless disaster... is against the ban as well.

They realize that a) the events leading up to this disaster were rare, unlikely to ever be repeated, and not representative of the overall industry and b) this is a really friggin idiotic time to be heaping more economic disaster on the gulf region.

Obama trying to get BP to pay for all the rigs that Obama arbitrarily shut down is ridiculous again. Let me give again the example that this would be like one airline having a disaster, and the government banning all air travel and forcing that company to pay for it. Ridiculous.

Anyway, I feel really bad for Louisiana, they have certainly not had it easy, but it is good to see that their top desire is to get things done - the real American way - rather than blame others and destroy rather than create.


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