Down with AAPL

CNN gets what so many of the fanboy tech writers dont: the iPhone 4 is flawed. Like do-not-buy-one-there-will-be-a-massive-class-action-lawsuit flawed

"According to documents leaked to Boy Genius Report today, AppleCare representatives are being given a strong company line to deliver to unhappy iPhone 4 owners who complain about reception issues.

Employees are told to say that the device's reception performance "is the best we have ever shipped" and that its critical antenna flaws are "a fact of life in the wireless world." They are told not to perform service on iPhones with these problems and instead to give customers a PR-driven recitative instead.

Outside the reality distortion field, on the other hand, we and many others have been able to duplicate the issue being discussed: When held by its sides, which are composed of a metal antenna band, the phone's reception quality drops dramatically. iPhone owners in our newsroom have seen reception decrease from five to two bars simply from holding the phone with two points of contact between the owner's hand and the antenna band."

Apple is the hot girl who gets away with treating people like crap. For some reason - the apple fanbase (hipsters and the alternative set) seem to really like this. Like my previous argument about IPA it lets them validate their inherent hipness.

Thankfully, its importance and pull is fading, as Android quickly takes over. And of course, I have to give a sad callout to Palm and webOS - at least we are above Windows Mobile...



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