The Downfall of Mercury

Interesting infographic. Only a couple of things I would disagree with - first that GM is doing better just because of cutting brands: a year ago everyone thought they were dead and gone, with a lot of ill will towards them. I still think they should have kept Pontiac as a sporty-car brand.

Second - it tries to make it seem that the Mercury Mystique took $6 billion to develop. It didn't. What may be true, and I am highly skeptical of, is that the world-car Ford Mondeo (known over here as the Contour) took $6 billion. Though it never did well here, it has gone on to be one of the best selling and most popular cars in Europe. I never knew why it did not do well actually, I have driven a Contour a fair bit, and they were nice cars.

Anyway - the fall of Mercury, in big graphical form:


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