The Dam Busters

Anyone with a good knowledge of Britain's involvement in WWII has likely come across the Dam Busters - the plucky and amazing RAF squadron 617 who took down Germany's dams, bunkers and other hard to hit targets with novel bombs developed by Barnes Wallis, including the "bouncing bomb."

The US Defense Threat Reduction Agency has been looking into ways of taking down hardened storage sites and other bunkers and they have hit upon a solution: bouncing bombs. Specifically, the idea is to bounce the bomb right into the blast doors of the bunker rather than trying to come through from the top.

Alternately they are also procuring the Massive Ordinance Penetrator (MOP) - which is a 30,000lb bomb. Interesting is that it was again Barnes Wallis who was a pioneer in developing heavy bombs, including the famous Tallboy and less well known but 22,000lb Grand Slam (this was in 1944).


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