Czarist America

Did you know that we are now living in a nation run by Czars? You thought Bush expanded the power of the executive branch - you 'aint seen nothing yet.

Obama has set out to create a new arm of the government directly under his control. The most obvious of these (though it has still be pretty quietly done) are the impositions of Czars over most major elements of the US economy and society. Obama has pulled a Putin and put his own men in charge wherever possible. Instead of going through the traditional channels of power, this gives him much more direct control.

To list the Czars, we now have:
Pay Czar, Border Czar, Energy Czar, Urban Czar, Tech Czar, Faith Based Czar, Health Reform Czar, TARP Czar, Drug Czar, Stimulus Accountability Czar, Non-Proliferation Czar, Terrorism Czar, Regulatory Czar, Guantanamo Closure Czar, AIDS Czar, Weather Czar, Intelligence Czar, Economic Czar, Green Jobs Czar and Cybersecurity Czar.

This is, in effect, a massive expansion of the power and direct control of the executive branch of the government. To me even the word Czar is troubling connected as it is to 400 years of Russian/Eastern European repression and dictatorship.


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