
Bing is the replacement for MS Live Search and all the other terribly named search engines MSFT has had.

And the thing is.. well.. I like it.

It looks good, comes with cool interesting background images with associated information: today is Thailand - check it out

It completely apes google in the way that searches are presented, along with a little more interesting and useful stuff on the right hand side. It also does a good job of presenting additional info (prices and reviews on products, search functions for popular sites, information and data about what you are searching for - though this is not Wolfram|Alpha).

Of course, it is rare that I actually go to anymore: I have the bar built into my firefox, and have google desktop - so just hitting ctrl twice pops up another search bar. But, I think for a while I will be trying bing whenever I actually bother going to the a search website - I think Microsoft has pulled ahead now in terms of functionality - it will be interesting to see when and how Google responds (to this and Wofram|Alpha I suppose).


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