Syrian Massacre of Women, Children, US Does Nothing

I am disgusted with the United States right now. The Obama administration could not have come at a worse time. Not only will he manage to fuck our economy for at least the next decade, he is also failing to support pro-Democratic uprisings across the Middle East.

Right now, women and children are being massacred in Syria. They have been in open civil war for over a year and all that the Obama has offered them in support is a bunch of left over "hope and change" stickers which somehow missed being put on the back of Priuses.

I don't know what we are waiting for. The rebels to lose? Over 1,000 women and children to be killed in the same place at the same time? I really don't know what it would take to get Obama to actually do something other than protect is own political ass, but in my opinion - those deaths could have easily been prevented by something as basic as air support and munitions, without even putting American lives at risk.

Fucking pathetic.


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