The Organ Donor Enhancement Act

My new theory of everything, what I am calling valuation theory, basically states that people have a hard time putting accurate values on a lot of the decisions they make. This does not make them irrational actors: instead it means they are acting rationally, but with bad numbers.

For example, people have a very hard time coming up with a accurate valuation of something very bad but not very likely... for instance.. dying in a motorcycle accident.

This is why people don't always wear helmets.

The second question is whether they should wear helmets. And I would say no. Perhaps it's a cynical view, but the good they are doing donating organs (basically, because they are generally healthy and dying by hitting their heads but keeping their bodies intact, non-helmet wearing bike riders make great organ donors) coupled with the fact that not wearing a helmet doesn't really put anyone else at greater risk makes me believe they should be allowed to do what they want.

They are just idiots if they do so (go Darwin go).

Posted Jun 8th 2012 11:01AM

The more states allow people to ride motorcycles without helmets, the more people die, according to a study discussed in today.

The report, released by, outlines how for the past 30 years, states have begun to loosen helmet restrictions on bikers and deaths have climbed, even as automotive deaths have dropped to historic lows. In 1972, 47 states required riders to wear helmets. In 2012, only 19 states have laws requiring every rider don protective headgear.

Meanwhile, deaths on motorcycles has more than doubled from 1997 to 2010, from 2,116 to 4,502, according to NHTSA.

"We call it the organ donor enhancement act," a doctor told "We've always had a shortage of donors but expect to see the numbers go way up. "


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