Obama's Taxes: Pays 20%... What a Fucking Hypocrite

This is direct from the main Democratic party organ (the NYT):
"In 2011, Mr. Obama and his wife reported paying $162,074 in income taxes, an effective tax rate of 20.5 percent"

Hilarious. Absolutely fucking hilarious. Everyone made a huge deal about the fact that Romney paid 15.5% on mostly capital gains, whereas our "everything I do is for the people" populist fucking President paid 20.5% - on regular income.
President Obama's tax return
About as honest as Obamacare
What does that mean? It means our President used tax loopholes just like every other wealthy American with half a brain (largely addled from years at Harvard and writing copious memoirs in the case of our POTUS).

The amazing thing.. the really amazing mind boggling and incredible thing, is that the White House is saying that this underscores the need for the "Buffet Rule" to make high income Americans pay higher taxes. 

That's right, Obama is saying that BECAUSE HE DOES NOT PAY HIS FUCKING TAXES, we should have a law which makes him do so. The twisted insanity of that statement would make me think it came from Berlusconi, or maybe Mussolini himself (or at a minimum Putin.. actually no.. Putin would just say "what income?" walk outside, shoot a bear, and jump in a helicopter full of models, and then change the tax code so that he was not included.. is it sad I might rather have Putin than Obama? That's pretty sad).

Obama: who the fuck do you think is going to pay these taxes which "do so much good", if the fucking President of the United States doesn't pay them? 

Hypocrite in Chief. 


  1. Dearest Norm,

    I disagree, and do see it as an argument for closing tax loopholes. What millionaire is going to voluntarily pay more for taxes on his or her own? This is calling out the tax rate on the biggest stage possible.

    I'm not saying there's not a selfish aspect involved (I'm sure the Obama's don't mind having that extra cash), but I also don't see it as particularly hypocritical. They are paying their dues, while simultaneously shining a light on the inequalities of the system.

    The tax system isn't going to change if Obama specifically pays more. It will change with an overhaul of the tax system.

    Those are my thoughts. Sorry I'm a week late on this...


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