Gold Farming for Inmates

Jail in China is not a place that you want to be. Unfortunately, it is pretty easy to end up there, simply by saying things like "gee I wish the govt. did not take away my house without paying me, to build a new highway in my garden".

But if  you do perhaps question the right of the government to run over your house, or limit the number of children you have, or decide where you live, where you work, what you buy, what you write or what you read, then you could quickly end up in a forced labor camp (because China really does not want to have to pay for its prisons).

You will be spending 12hrs a day in a coal mine, which is not exactly a wonderful way to spend you time. Especially when this is a Chinese prison coal mine, where human labor is cheap, abundant, and replaceable.

However, at night? Yeah, you don't get to sleep. You have to spend your time playing World of Warcraft to farm gold, for that to be sold at a profit online. Which is, well, pretty damn messed up. And no, I am sure that after your shift in the coal mine, a chance to play WoW for the 200th night in a row, doing the same damn thing repetitively is not exactly rest and relaxation.


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