Free Navigation Chart BoSooklets

So, this is a little different than my usual BoN posts - but I thought this was interesting to point out.

To anyone who has a boat - this is pretty sweet. I have been sailing for years, and I did not know this existed until today.

NOAA puts out free charts that you can use with your laptop, but I never thought there was an easy way to print them off. It was nice to have a backup on a laptop, but not something I really used. It is annoying how much chart companies chart for what are basically paper printouts of something the Govt. provides for free to aid navigation.

But now, to help small-boaters etc, NOAA has put together booklets which you can print off of an 8x10 printer and create some quite good navigational charts. Are they a replacement for a really good chart book or a GPS nav system with charts? No, but they do provide a good level of detail, especially for the recreational boater.

Now you know there is at least one useful thing your taxes are being used for...


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