New "Saab" Concept shot down by Chris Bangle

Chris Bangle, famous for his complete redesign of the BMW line, was once derided for making everything swoopy and curvy, his famed "flame surfacing" and specifically the tail of the 7-series, forever known as Bangle-butt (though it was not actually his design - he was chief of design at the time, but was against the butt that will forever carry his name).

File:BMW E65 rear 20070609.jpg

However, I always liked his designs. I liked them when they were new, and now years later, they have shown themselves to be both attractive and ahead of their time. With other car companies (with the notable exception of "used the magnification ray" Audi) struggling to create unique looks for their cars, the Bangle BMW's stood apart, and I think will stand the test of time.

This thing, not so much:
Saab PhoeniX Concept
If you were to ask "WTF is that thing?" you would be well justified. It is, ostensibly, the new Saab concept the PheoniX, and "shows where the company's designs are headed." Well goddamn I hope not.

Anyway, Chris Bangle takes on Josh Castriota as to just what the hell he was thinking when he made this thing, and how, in any way, is this a Saab.


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