The US Leaves Iraq, is still in Iraq

Yeah. We just "pulled out of Iraq."

Except for the 56,000 troops who are still there.

So.... what the heck does that mean again?

Well - Obama set a deadline of Aug 31st of this year to "end the war in Iraq." And so he has ordered all 'combat' troops out of the country. The remaining troops are there to train and support the Iraqi military.

The thing is though, the remaining troops are not armed with mere chalk and erasers, they are fully capable and supported combat units. They are just not meant to be taking the offensive, but rather will follow UNish rules of engagement. And we all know how well that works...

Also remaining in Iraq? About 100,0000 "contractors." As we all know, leaving behind a well equipped and once-loyal mercenary army in a poorly defended region with significant wealth is usually a good idea.

Did I say good idea? I mean terrible idea. Not to say that the mercs will try and sack Baghdad, but I would be none too surprised if some mercenary units tried to use force to gain a little leverage here and there.

Also not leaving the country? The CIA's special ops army - which of course is not actually part of the army at all. Mostly, its just "contractors."

Overall though, I think it is good we are transitioning to letting the country run itself, and seemingly doing so in a way which does not "snatch defeat from the jaws of victory" as it seemed was the original plan. This is one campaign promise of Obama's that I am glad he is breaking - though I am still going to make fun of him for paying games with words as he is.

Another sign we are not leaving any time soon? The freaking ginormous castle fortress all your base are belong to us embassy we built in Baghdad.


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