Dutch Group to Launch Rocket using their Submarine

Yes, this is utterly badass, and amazingly, utterly Dutch. Not something I would usually put together.

The organization, known as Copenhagen Suborbital, seems to be straight out of a Bond movie. Their plan is to build and launch a rocket which can carry a human passenger to space. The first rocket, the one they plan on firing in the next few days, will carry a crash-test-dummy, but will still be the largest amateur rocket ever (taking that title away from the Robin Reliant Space Shuttle from Top Gear).

And to tow that rocket and its launch pad into place? Copenhagen Suborbital has their own submarine. And not a little toy submarine either. If you had to ask why you need your own submarine, you are obviously missing the point.

The organization says that it is doing all this just for kick more or less, and that the whole thing has been paid for with sponsorship and selling trinkets. Which is of course the most pathetic sounding front for a sinister organization I have ever heard (and thus very, very scary...).

World's Largest Amateur Space Rocket Set To Launch

World's Largest Amateur Space Rocket Set To Launch

World's Largest Amateur Space Rocket Set To Launch


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