New EU President

"I think the idea was that we have more and more cross-border problems, we have 27 member countries, hopefully we will be more member countries in the future, we have a deep belief in European integration. So what we were seeking were people to create continuity, to be able to put us together, to be the voice, the face and the presence of Europe throughout the world. And have we achieved this? Yes,"

The EU has settled on its first full time president. Who is he? A weak and demure Belgian known for conciliation. Does this represent the EU? Absolutely. The EU is a nightmare of councils, consensus building, meaningless debate, weak minds, and an overall consistency of mushy peas.

Take a well run company, clear chain of command, direct responsibility, rapid execution of decisions and efficient operation. Then construct in your mind the exact opposite of all of that. Massive ambiguity, decisions that can never be traced back to a single council or panel, let alone individual. The EU has no clear mandate on what it can an cannot do, or more specifically it always tries to do more than it is really allowed to, and the best way to to do this is to appear benign and consensus building, somehow giving the vague impression that it all makes sense because a lot of other people agreed to it and think it makes sense.

Further reasons why he will really represent the EU:
"Born in Brussels and trained as an economist, 62-year-old Mr. Van Rompuy was chosen as Belgian's premier only a year ago."

So he has a background in bullshit, and has almost no experience in political leadership. Sounds like a supra-national organization I know...


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