Dumb Laws: Cali Edition

California likes to limit what its citizens can do. They do this in the name of saving energy - because they refuse to build power plants and hate coal power - and in the name of 'saving the environment' which, to be honest, is so tenuously correlated to home energy usage as to make the idea a joke.

Regardless, being 'green' holds a lot of sway. And the latest regulation arbitrarily caps the wattage of TV sets, and limits watts per inch to try and increase energy efficiency. These big TVs are big power drains, and Cali wants a limit of 32 watts, dropping to 25watts. No matter that all sort of things (like.. leaving a light bulb on) draw more power.

There are two kickers to this.

First is that since it is Cali only, all this will result in is people buying TV's and bringing them back. California loses tax revenue, everyone else is happy.

Second, and this is the best part, is that any TV over 58' is completely exempt. So screw a relatively efficient and logical 42' TV, save up, go huge, and suck down as much power as you want. Idiotic.



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