Why I love Fox News

I can't stand Fox News. I never watch it, it is clearly partisan, and I almost never even bother hitting the link when a blog or news article links to a Fox News page.

But, I love it because right now it is showing just how hypocritical and dangerous the current administration is. Obama et alia have decided they do not like Fox News, because Fox News does not like them. Now this is an interesting and rather dangerous and stupid step. Major news sources are allowed to like or dislike whoever they want. The government is not allowed (this is not a legal sense, rather a political sense) to dislike news sources. It shows weakness, it shows partisanship, it shows a lack of respect for freedom of the press and a lack of respect for democracy, all things that get you in hot water with the voters. The administration went so far as to call Fox News "a wing of the Republican Party." By that logic, the whole rest of the main stream media, except for the WSJ, would have been a wing of the Democratic party from 2003-2008. If you listened to coverage in the months before the 2004 election, you would have though Kerry was a shoe-in for President.

My point here is that Obama and his administration are up to something very dangerous. They think they are right. So right, that anyone who disagrees with them is wrong. Not just wrong, but "standing in the way of progress," and such like. They event went so far as to call Fox News "not a legitimate news organization."

Updated quote, from Obama: "And if media is operating, basically, as a talk radio format, then that's one thing. And if it's operating ... as a news outlet, then that's another."

And their list of enemies is growing. You have Fox News, you have the Chamber of Commerce (those upstarts), you have the insurance industry, Wall St., and the one remaining independent US auto manufacturer. This is not a trivial list. And more to the point, much as the insurance industry and Wall St. have been getting a bad rap, it is important to remember that the underlying cause of many issues in those companies have been govt. regulation.

SEN. LAMAR ALEXANDER, R - TENN: "Well, this classifying people who disagree with you as your enemies. I mean, a boycott of Fox News, threatening to take away the anti-trust exemption from insurance companies, "Politico" reported that the White House wants the neuter the United States Chamber of Commerce, calling out senators who object to the czars in the White House. The president himself said he was going to keep a list of bondholders who didn't agree to GM or Chrysler. I don't think that's an enemies list today, but I saw the road that it took the Nixon White House down. I don't want to see the Obama White administration to go that way."

So here we are in a country where the administration has faltered on major policy objectives, has shown weaknesses in international relations, and has taken the step of blaming the enemies of change in order to try and keep its agenda rolling.

For example, check out this exchange between the "insurance industry" - actually an independent analysis by global accounting leader PWC, and the God King Obama:

"The report from PricewaterhouseCoopers states that "the proposal 'will increase premiums above what they would increase under the current system for both individual and family coverage in all four market segments from 2010-2019,'" said a memo from Karen Ignagni, president and CEO of AHIP.

The White House, which had been working with the insurance industry, blasted the report and its timing.

"This is a self-serving analysis from the insurance industry," said White House spokesman Reid Cherlin. "It comes on the eve of a vote that will reduce the industry's profits."

Hopefully, the American people will see it for what it is: a dangerous step in the wrong direction.


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