Nothing to do with God

I believe in God. But thats about as far as I get. By the oft bandied about and frequently abused to the point its point is likely warped, rusted and dull these days, Occam's razor tells me that for all of the many times events exist well beyond the realm of science, there is likely a non-scientific explanation.

That does not mean however I believe in religion. Quite the opposite. I think religion is, by an large, a crock. It was made up by men, its rules were created by men, its organization by men, of men, for the control of hearts and minds. Funnily enough, I just watched the Invention of Lying, you would see how that fits in if you have seen it - entertaining movie by the way.

But, what actually triggered this was a new move by the Catholic Church to attract Anglicans. They set up some rules that will allow entire congregations of Anglicans to make the move. As a bit of a backstory, the Anglican Church (started by Henry VIII's split with Rome) has had a bit of schism itself recently over whether to be liberal and open-minded, allowing openly gay bishops etc, or to be reactionary and Catholic. The Catholic church is now looking to poach those felt left out by the more liberal Anglican Church.

Which is all very interesting, in a squabbling, Survivor - Religion Island edition kind of way. But it obviously does not have a damn thing do with God. The idiotic conflicts over doctrine really get to me and highlight just how damn pointless and useless organized religion is at this point.


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