Kansas: I love you

I have only driven through Kansas once. I probably only stopped for Subway and a bathroom. If I remember correctly, there were so many bugs hitting the windshield of the Expy it sounded like I was in the middle of a downpour. But now, there is a reason to love Kansas.

They enacted a law making it illegal to drive in the left lane unless you are passing! This is fantastic. While I don't want to see this abused when there is no one on the road but you... most of the time, everyone needs to GET THE HELL OUT OF THE LEFT LANE AND LET ME BY. This really, honestly, drives me crazy. All the time. Every time I see it, which is every single damn time that I drive. And what do I do? Tailgate, honk, undertake, highbeam, use the slow lane as a passing lane (or my personal favorite, passing 100 gapers at once using the truck hill climb lane), everything which is not the way that the roads are meant to operate. And it is entirely the fault of the damn gaper who thinks its ok to do 70 in a 65 in the passing lane because the guy 100 yards in front of him is doing the same speed. I am fine with 90% of the American population being gapers when they all queue up in one line when 4 are available, when they all subsidize my life with their bad purchasing habits, and when they pay for my TV content by staring at commercials, but when they all sit in the same damn left lane--always with just enough slowpokes and trucks dotted around the inside lanes to make passing exciting or impossible--and block the highways with their collective gapetastic lack of brainpower, then they drive me crazy.

Why do I love Kansas? Because they state that "the law is designed to reduce road rage and prevent motorists from trying risky maneuvers." Thank you Kansas, thank you. If only I could put up with living in flat state millions of miles from mountains or the oceans, I would live there. Actually, no. But I do love the law, and hope word gets around..

If other states don't pick up this law I might just have to turn to plan b.. missiles


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