The nice thing about classics is that they are great books, and they are cheap. Because they are off copyright, anyone can make a version of them, and while some editing and typefacing, formatting, printing and binding went into the cheap Barnes & Noble editions, absolutely nothing (other than a scanner) goes into the Google version.

Which is why they are free.

Not only are they free to read online, they are free to download in PDF format. Which is actually very nice, for those of us (Norm included), who consistently use and rely on portable electronics (in my case, a Nokia 770 and Palm Pre - a giant crack though my laptop screen greatly reduces my love of reading on it...).

It also makes me wonder what the cost would be just to print off the whole book? If only I was still a student at Colby (printing was free)... it would have made all those English Lit classes significantly cheaper (though significantly more annoying - carrying around a backpack full of 8x10 novels? not fun).

Anyway, go to and get your read on.


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