Oh'MyBama 2009 #2

Ok, as a finale to my rant on the new administration, lets cover what is not covered elsewhere.

Amazingly, the mainstream media completely ignored the fact that Obama messed up the OATH OF OFFICE! Yeah, Roberts read it to him wrong, but I would have hoped he had it memorized by then. The only president, ever, in all of history, to have to redo the oath, Obama finally completed the oath a couple days later in the White House. If Bush had done this, the media would have torn him apart like wolves.

A second, more amuzing story is this image which came to light of Obama trying to open a White House window instead of a door... special:

And finally, but perhaps most importantly, is the way that he used his position in the Senate to get his wife a job and a huge boost in salary... HOW IS NO ONE FOCUSING ON THIS????

Chart: Michelle Obama's Salary

Below you'll find a helpful chart and timeline explaining Michelle Obama's ultra-critical position at the University of Chicago Hospital (UCH), a position coincidentally created just after her husband's election to the Senate... and dissolved just minutes after she resigned to move into the White House.

Sandwiched, of course, by Sen. Obama's $1M earmark to UCH.

In 2002, Michelle Obama was hired by the University of Chicago Hospital as its "Executive Director for Community Affairs" at a salary of approximately $120,000.

In January of 2005, Barack Obama was sworn in as a United States Senator.

In March of 2005, Michelle Obama was promoted to "Vice President for Community and External Affairs" and her salary bumped nearly $200,000 (from $121,910 to $316,962). This position was "newly created" for Mrs. Obama.

In February of 2006, Barack Obama requested a $1 million earmark for a new hospital pavilion at the University of Chicago.

Effective 9 January 2009, Michelle Obama resigned her position at UCH.

Effective 14 January 2009, Michelle Obama's VP position was eliminated, its functions absorbed into another executive's position. This prompted writer Don Rose to ask "[If] that work can be folded into another guy’s, why was it separate in the first place?"

Excellent question. Some roguish wags might speculate that a quid pro quo arrangement was in effect; pay-to-play as it were. But that seems highly unlikely given Barack Obama's high ethical standards *.


  1. Norm, Johnson here. I know that the book of norm is interested in accuracy; Calvin Coolidge, actually, had to retake the oath becuase it wasn't administered by the correct official the first time in MA. He didn't mess it up...but he did have to retake.

    And...there's a tough, gray line with influence because of a position in government. Obviously none of us would argue that if Obama were a private, powerful CEO and Michelle got a job that that was a bad thing...but the reality is that position in society begats influence and power. As much as I hate government, I can't help but think that this is unavoidable. And as long as there were no explicit uses of coercion or taxpayer money to receive this job...I have no pragmatic problem with it and see it as an unavoidable reality of power, position, and influence. of course, I'd simultaneously argue against a politican having a 1/100,000 much power as Obama had or has and against public hospitals...but that's a separate conversation.


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