Obama and Missile Defense

Yeah, I am on a little tear here about how Obama is a FP failure, but rarely has a new President screwed up so badly in such a short amount of time.

Deciding that throwing our Eastern European allies under the Russian tank tread was worth a little hippie glory and cost savings at home, Obama has pulled the plug on the European missile defense system.

For years, Bush worked with Poland and the Czech Republic to create the defense system, offering them and other Eastern European nations military support and protection against their former overlord. In a move that can only be called introverted (or myopic), Obama has hung our allies out to dry -- the US wont deploy the shield, and so Russia will not deploy its missiles to Kaliningrad.

5hrs after Obama won the Presidency, Russia decided to test Obama. A couple months later and they have their answer: he is a realpolitik newborn babe who Putin can easily steamroll.

"The sword is the axis of the world and its power is absolute."
Charles de Gaulle


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