The New Toyota Pri... whoops.. I mean Honda Insight

Honda is releasing its Prius fighter. As the leading car company globally on the mpg front, Honda has long been a leader in advanced technology, including bringing variable valve timing to the masses. But, after introducing the original insight, which looked like a sudafed,
they fell behind in the hybrid wars as Toyota released their more advanced and far more practical (the reason it actually sold well) Prius. Granted, I think the Prius is an overpriced POS that should be banned from driving in the left lane, but it has been pretty damn popular (especially in Lexington/Concord.. I think the ratio is about 1 Prius to every 2 lexuses.. not bad). So... Honda came up with an entirely new design in order to compete with the Prius... entirely new.....

ummm yeah...

so this is the prius...

I wonder where they got their insight from...


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