California Democrats Bypasses the Constitution

California, seriously short on money, and seriously unable to pass a budget for the state, is in pretty poor shape. The governators solution is less spending (good governator) but the democratic majority in the legislature has another solution: violate the constitution.

The Dems have a simple majority in the legislature, which means they cannot pass taxes, which require a 2/3 majority. Their solution: "user fees." For example, they are going to put a $0.39 "user fee" on gasoline, as well as "user fees" on personal income, and sales tax. Because the "fees" will go into a pool, in the case of the gas tax, for highway funds, and not general revenues, they are not a "tax" and dont require the 2/3rds majority.

It is another example of the complete and utter disregard the democratic party has for the constitution, and the rule of law. Thankfully, the governator will veto the bill (and the ACLU had promised to sue), but increasinly it seems as the only thing holding this country together is a few good men and the supreme court. Thank god for philosopher kings...?


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