
"To evolve is to survive" err, not sure who said that, or if anyone ever did.. but regardless, I have taken the message to heart.

If you dont have firefox 3, get it now. Then get a little app called Gmail file space. Its about 200k, and its completely inconspicuous, and turns your gmail account into an online harddrive. Not sure how they do it, but its fantastic.

Then, log in with the account and the password normspace

In there you will find more rich media Norman content than you could ever hope to find. Well, actually, you will currently find:
Owl City - One of my new favorite bands, basically a cross between Postal Service and Shiny Toy Guns
A bunch of my favorite pictures
Carolina Liar - One of my other new favorite bands. Get this, or you will be the last one left out when everyone around you is humming "I'm Not Over" and you dont know why...
Transport Tycoon Delux - Quite possibly one of the best simulation games of all time. The only drawbacks are a dumb AI and the... amazing.. music.

Go. Get.

And yeah, its totally legal. Other than the sharing part.


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