Nastiest bug ever

Writing a paper tonight, I was thinking on a recent cleaning of our apartment, and a past event which startled me while a bunch of us were sitting minding our own business in our living room. Doing a little research on wikipedia, I came across the house centipede, which is the object of my disgust. Turns out the little bugger actually eats other insects, including basically every bug that you dont want in your house like ants, termites, silverfish, bedbugs and cockroaches, but due to two very important facts, they have the distinct the ability to creep the shit out of me, when I dont give a damn about the vast majority of vermin.

1) They move at up to 16 inches PER SECOND. That is a freaky fast bug, and when they pop out at you, you know it because...

2) The largest recorded specimen is 6 1/2 inches long. And they are usually 1 to 2 inches.

Needless to say, I squashed the shit out of the one that I saw back in the living room a while ago, and with my newfound knowledge, I will attempt to refrain in the future, as they are exactly the kind of predator I want in my house... eghhyhh... maybe...

House Centipede


  1. It's a medical fact that most people who see these bugs in their homes have nightmares. That's what I heard anyway...


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