This is just dumb. We now have a campaign on Twitter to cancel the Colbert Report because the show's corporate Twitter feed reposted a joke making fun of the Washington Redskins owner for being racist.
So yes - people are getting their knickers in a twist because a comedian made fun of something racist and they are too damn stupid to realize the context.
Twitter: What is this? [smashes the model for the reading center] A center for ants?
Colbert: What?
Twitter: How can we be expected to teach children to learn how to read... if they can't even fit inside the building?
Colbert: Twitter, this is just a small...
Twitter: I don't wanna hear your excuses! The building has to be at least... three times bigger than this!
Colbert: He's absolutely right you know.
Stephen Colbert Accused of Racism With #CancelColbert Campaign
“I am willing to show #Asian community I care by introducing the Ching-Chong Ding-Dong Foundation for Sensitivity to Orientals or Whatever,” “The Colbert Report” Twitter wrote Thursday.
The joke was taken from a bit on Wednesday night’s “The Colbert Report,” parodying Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder and his launch of the Washington Redskins Original Americans Foundation in light of controversy over the team name. Taken out of context, however, many Twitter users saw the joke as racist, and launched a #CancelColbert campaign that quickly became a trending topic.
As the controversy started, the tweet was deleted, but Twitter users managed to screenshot the tweet before it disappeared.
Comedy Central and “The Colbert Report” has yet to speak publicly on the controversy. Colbert has called the character he plays on the show “an idiot” in the past.
Updated on 03/27/14 10:04 PM: Colbert tweeted about the controversy on his account, sharing sentiments with the protesters.
“The Colbert Report” Twitter clarified that the account is not run by Colbert himself.
This is a great story - Gunther and his wife Christine set out in 1989 after the fall of the Berlin wall to do a tour of Africa. 500,000 miles later that journey is still going. Gunther Holtorf's 23-Year Road Trip from srterbas on Vimeo .
There are a lot of shitty drivers out there. Actually, most people are shitty drivers. They don't really know anything about cars, about driving, about limits of adhesion, how to react when things go badly, or what snow does to your ability to drive. In fact, most people think that driving slowly, regardless of what lane you are in, whether you are merging onto a highway or holding up 50 cars behind you, means "being a good driver." Just because you have spent many years driving in the left lane at 65mph does not make you a good driver, in fact, just the opposite. A good driver means you know how to drive, not that you have gotten lucky or simply average for the past 10 years. Personally, I would love to see a class in high school devoted to driving. I think it could be fun and informative while greatly reducing the number of accidents (especially fatal ones) on the roads every year. Right now, the driving exam is basically a joke, it means that you know what the pedals...
Recently I wrote about the 10 best doomsday survival shelters in the world . These make sense - they are for continuity of government, they are so mankind will survive, they are all about long-term planning or strategic defense. But, I just came across a brand new show on Discovery - "Doomsday Bunkers" - and it's stupid. Interesting, but stupid. It turns out that there is a whole community of people out there who believe Y2K is still coming think Fallout 3, the Book of Eli, or Mad Max is just around the corner. And so they are "prepping" - getting ready for the zombie apocalypse. The craziest of them - or perhaps just the most obsessive or those with the most money.... spend $50,000-$1,000,000 building underground bunkers to protect themselves from... something. Cozy... I hope you like Progresso And that's where the idiocy comes in: they don't know what they are protecting themselves from. The vast majority of them are built to offer...
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