UK enables Nationwide Porn Filter... WTF!?!?!?

This is ridiculous. Now, by default, every broadband account in the UK is being filtered. Why? To protect adults from evil, evil porn.

UK Government to announce mandatory online adult content filters
In a speech later today, David Cameron will announce that, by the end of this year, all new UK broadband accounts will have adult content filters activated by default. Such restrictions will only be removed if the account-holder specifically requests it. Meanwhile, around 20 million users already connected will be presented with an "unavoidable decision" concerning adult content, and public WiFi providers must advertise if they utilize filters or not. Cameron also wants to outlaw "extreme pornography," unify police forces' regional databases and request that the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Center draws up a "blacklist" of search terms to prevent people from searching for outlawed images online. Legislation will be introduced towards the end of the year to codify the changes, and ISPs not considered to be doing enough will be forced into action.


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