The Supreme Court - What Do We Have Left?

I have not yet written about the ObamaCare decision. I can't really bring myself to do it.

I fully believed there was no way the supreme court could uphold something so incredibly antithetical to the constitution. And yet, they did.

I don't want to discuss it here. I don't want to discuss it at all. I want to close my eyes and imagine it never happened. But it did happen. And even worse, we are guaranteed to elect the architect of the whole stupid mess... seeing as both of them are more or less responsible. But seriously, looking at Obamacare and everything it will cost this nation and how little it will deliver in terms of benefit - how could anyone re-elect the idiot in chief? At least the other guy is on the right side (now...)

Yes, we needed affordable health care for the about 5 million uncovered Americans (yes, 5 million, not 50 million - that number is a complete fallacy - see about 75,000 articles on the subject by the Atlantic and others), but ObamaCare is such a freaking fiasco how the hell can you support it?

The US needs massive healthcare reform - not just a massive increase in the current spending plan. ObamaCare only addresses the problem in the same way that sub-prime loans backed by the government "addressed" the problem of poverty.

So, what now? With the Supreme Court ruling that the government can arbitrarily force a tax onto the citizens and force them to take action against their will in a private and economic environment, what protection do we as citizens have? Not a whole hell of a lot. Beyond that, what are the constitutional limits of power placed on Congress? Clearly - they don't have to justify anything they do, because it is all either a tax or falls under the commerce clause (if they are making you pay something, it's a tax, if they are telling you what to do, they are regulating interstate commerce).

If you want to protect you freedom - there is only one clear answer: move to Canada.


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