Army Surplus: MRAPS

With the US winding down from the largest military confrontation since Vietnam, there is going to be a fair bit of surplus available. 

Specifically, in the last few years of the conflict, the military (finally some might say) started deploying large numbers of MRAPs (Mine Resistant Armor Plated vehicles) - about 20,000 of them. Most of them are currently seeing use in Afghanistan, but in a few years they will be coming back home...

Freaking Awesome
And the thing is, they are amazing vehicles which have saved a lot of lives.. but they are not really that useful outside of terrorist zones. 

File:Army mil-2008-06-13-162413.jpg

So, what is to happen to these mighty machines? Well - come about 2016 or so, you just might be able to buy one. In the rush to get these things deployed, there are actually a whole range of different types (probably ones of the reasons they are too expensive to keep around after the fact - that and their gas consumption), and some of them would make perfect RVs for vacation in a post-apocalyptic zombieland. 

File:1st MaxxPros in Iraq.jpg

Alternately, if you live in Russia - you can probably just register this thing and drive it around. 


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