Endless Suffrage: Why Liberals can STFU about the Republican Nomination

Ok, the Republican nomination is going on way too long at this point. Chief Foot In Mouth Romney can't seem to seal the deal, and that's too bad, because it is sad that Santorum is even being considered for President. Hell, I would never want him hired as a school Principal.

And so everyone is complaining. And I agree - this is stupid. We need to get rid of Obama--he's a complete disaster and if you value your job and the currency in your pocket, he needs to go--but let's back up for just one second.

Remember 2008? Remember how a certain young Senator did an end-run around Hillary Clinton, claiming that superdelegates had to vote according to state primaries? (they dont). The Democrats didn't have a set candidate until the convention, and the race was far far closer (in terms of delegates) than anything we are seeing this year with the Republican primaries.


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