The Government Will Soon Mandate A Camera On Every Car's Ass

This is getting ridiculous.

The government is now going to regulate a backup camera on every car. This also mandates a LCD and complex wiring on every car. The upshot? They estimate it will save 100 lives a year.

Ok, noble cause and all that. But lets think about this for a second.

There are 5.5 million vehicles sold in the US each year. Each of these systems will add, conservatively, $200 to the cost of a new vehicle.

Do the math. That's $1.1 billion dollars. To save 100 people.

In other words, $110 million per life saved.

There is only one just way to put a value on a human life: the value of another human life. For $1.1 billion, you could save orders of magnitudes more lives than 100. And that is the only math which makes sense.

You can't regulate every risk out of existence. This is the real world. You have to chose. Everything that you chose means you didn't choose something else. This is a bad choice.


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