Putin's Iron Grip Falters

Russia is finally tired of the rampant corruption of Putin's United party.

In parliamentary elections (though really, Russia is not a parliamentary system and is closest to the US form of govt) Putin's party will manage only fifty percent of the vote and that is with rampant corruption, ballot stuffing, hacking of election monitors, and of course, bribery.

Putin will still win next year's election of course. And the real opposition parties are not even allowed to run, so the other fifty percent of the duma will probably just rubber stamp everything which action figurine Putin wants done anyway.

Hopefully, at some point, Russia wakes up and is able to elect a modern and at least slightly moral leader. The country right now is a total backwater, with third world healthcare, massive levels of crime, incredibly short average lifespans, and a growing inability to attract foreign investment because of how the United party screws over any foreign company it feels like.

I think interesting enough is that soup nanny in the US seem to have a positive view of Putin. I am not sure why that is, other than the fact he is certainly an amusing character. But as a leader, the need for him ran its course years ago, and Russia now needs a new leader for a new age.

Russia: Putin's Party Barely Hangs onto its Majority - http://pulse.me/s/3KZo5


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