The $4.6 Million $2,500k Car

Indian company Tata has built a completely over the top version of its $2,500 people's car, the Nano.

This thing would make 50 Cent blush:

That is a tiny little Nano covered in 176 pounds of gold (22 karats) , 33 pounds of silver and studded with more than 10,000 precious stones and gems. BLING.

The net result is a car which is worth $2,500k or so originally being worth $4.6 million instead. So you could buy this, or 4 Bugatti Veyrons....


Of course, the reason for all this extravagance is that the Tata family is celebrating a little anniversary for its Gold Plus jewelry stores....

As in, the family is saying this year marks the 5,000th anniversary of the business. I wonder what the grand opening looked like...
Trust the monkey scales, and yes, I am three times larger than you


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