Who Owns America's Debt?

We keep talking about how China owns most of the US debt, etc etc. Turns out that while China is indeed the largest foreign owner of US govt. debt... the biggest owner of US government debt is... the US Government. 

  • Hong Kong: $121.9 billion (0.9 percent)
  • Caribbean banking centers: $148.3 (1 percent)
  • Taiwan: $153.4 billion (1.1 percent)
  • Brazil: $211.4 billion (1.5 percent)
  • Oil exporting countries: $229.8 billion (1.6 percent)
  • Mutual funds: $300.5 billion (2 percent)
  • Commercial banks: $301.8 billion (2.1 percent)
  • State, local and federal retirement funds: $320.9 billion (2.2 percent)
  • Money market mutual funds: $337.7 billion (2.4 percent)
  • United Kingdom: $346.5 billion (2.4 percent)
  • Private pension funds: $504.7 billion (3.5 percent)
  • State and local governments: $506.1 billion (3.5 percent)
  • Japan: $912.4 billion (6.4 percent)
  • U.S. households: $959.4 billion (6.6 percent)
  • China: $1.16 trillion (8 percent)
  • The U.S. Treasury: $1.63 trillion (11.3 percent)
  • Social Security trust fund: $2.67 trillion (19 percent)

Because the Treasury and Social Security must also hold large amounts of safely invested assets, one of the best and only places for them to keep their money is in US Govt bonds. Which does make sense... but on a different level, the concept that the US govt. keeps issuing debt and 36% of that debt is being bought by local, state, or federal government branches? That just seems like a freaking scam of some kind. With my financial hat on, it makes perfect sense. But my gut reaction? I don't like it. 

Lets hope for all our sakes that the government gets spending under control and that big mountain of paper does not go up in smoke. 


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