Obama Starts His Campaign, Promises 4 More Years of BS and Campaigning

In the little time Obama has actually spent being President, he has proved to be an idiot and an ideologue: inflexible in his beliefs, incapable as a leader and infuriatingly stupid.

With 2 years of economic malaise, unpopular politics, failed campaign promises and pathetic leadership behind him, Obama is launching his re-election bid. (which means that out of 6 years of public office - he will have spent 4 of them campaigning - good service there Obama).

Honestly, in the last 2 years he has gone from messiah to laughing-stock. His ratings have collapsed. His core is pissed at him because it turns out he does not really believe in social freedom (Gitmo, gay rights etc), and he is the same corrupt crony-loving Chicago politician he has always been. The middle is pissed at him because it turns out that he is a wide-eyed socialist who pushed through one of the biggest, and most unpopular pieces of legislation steaming cow turds ever - Obamacare, which, well, stinks like a fish-market on a sunny day in August. The Europeans used to love him, now they see him as a verbose and ineffective self-aggrandizing fool.

But the bad news? Oh, and there is bad news. These are the Republican candidates (and to be clear - I am a libertarian, not a Republican - but generally, I like sensible politicians in the middle who grow the economy, don't do stupid things, and are for social freedom).

You have:
Tim Pawlenty - Kind of a wack job social conservative
Mitt Romney - Former governor of Mass, architect in some ways of Obamacare, and failed candidate in 2008, this guy does not really have a hope, as the Tea Party will hate his guts
Newt Gingrich - Eww...
Mike Huckabee - Scum
Sarah Palin - Stupid, and possibly crazier than Obama
Mich Daniels - Gov. of Indiana, seems like he is actually a good bet, with a strong corporate background (President of Eli Lilly), and a history of sensible policies in Indiana
Jon Huntsman - former Gov. of Utah... yup, he's Mormon. Fiscal stuff he's good, but social stuff? Well, did I mention he was Mormon?

So really the best bet seems to Mich Daniels - but that would be based on the assumption that the Republican party gets its head out of its ass and realizes that a middle of the road politician and not a raging conservative is the best counter to Obama. Fight fire with water, honestly, it works better.


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