Pure Awesome: Morgan Threewheeler

Morgan makes some of the coolest cars on the market today. Some people think that they looked dated. Well, yeah, sorta. Its more that they have not changed in so long that they have gone from current, to dated, to retro. Some of their latest models are simply gorgeous, and drive well to boot, ash (real wood) frame and all.

For example, the Aero 8. Mmmm

However, Morgan used to be known for more than quirky cars. They also used to build quirky threewheelers. I have actually seen a couple of these over in the Lake District in the UK, and I have some pics of them somewhere I will try and put up. First, let me point out that they build the threewheeler the right way around (2-1) rather than the 1-2 more-roll-than-Jack-and-Jill Reliant Robin

And so now Morgan is bringing it back. And it looks fantastic. It will counts a motorcycle for regulatory and insurance reasons, is powered by a fuel-injected, 115-horsepower V-Twin engine mated to a Mazda five-speed gearbox. In other words, it should be a crazy little thing. Hell yeah Morgan, screw the 21st century, its more interesting with these guys running around.

Morgan Three Wheeler


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