Aliens Neutered Nukes - According to Air Force Officials

Yeah... well, retired officials anyway.

Last monday, seven elderly retired Air Force officers called a news conference at the National Press Club in Washington. They told the world press (ok, a subset of the world press, but CNN covered it) that when they were in the force, a large number of nukes 'went offline' while they were spinning aggressively above earth. And that this was due to UFOs.

From 1963 to 1980, all seven were present at U.S. nuclear missile sites when the flashing lights of alien spacecraft — some disc-shaped, some conical, some spherical — appeared before them or their colleagues. They basically all reported the same thing: flashing lights and unidentified flying objects leading to nukes going into "no-go" status (deactivating).

This is kind of a big deal - these are not just crazy old guys, and they have little if nothing to gain from presenting this information if it was false. The media and our acceptance of what is easy to understand rather than logical (Occams razor tells us that UFO's are much more likely to be of alien origin than 10,000 different and conflicting explanations, but this is simply too far out of the real of 'acceptable' for most people to consider seriously) means however that the conference gained a carnival sideshow status, with CNN covering it somewhat as a joke, and Wired, the influential tech site, covering it under a "tinfoil tuesdays" column about crazy stuff.

In other words - why is this so unbelievable? There are millions of sightings, national governments admitting to UFOs, sightings which involve millions of people (Phoenix a few years ago), accounts from many senior (retired) military personnel, and the utter disaster which has been any way to explain all of this information which does not involve intelligent life from another planet (and lead to the senior Air Force scientist in charge of de-bunking UFOs to publicly proclaim he believed in UFOs). In other words - there is no coverup, the government does not have to cover up anything, we all just think that anyone who says the word UFO is crazy, and that's all it takes.

Reviewing the facts - UFO sightings massively increased in the wake of WWII, when we started setting off nukes. Their interest in nuclear weapons would seem self-evident looking at the history of sightings. And their then interest in us not blowing ourselves up? Well, I would like to think that is the case. If a civilization has advanced enough to reach the stars, one would hope that they would desire not so simply destroy everything in sight.


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