Clash of Civilizations? Islam's internal struggle.

Contrary to the notion that the great battle of the 21st century will be between Islam and Christianity, the Islamic world is increasingly turning inward in its aggression. Sectarian violence is now the main cause of terrorism, and Muslims the main target. This is a major shift from the early 90's. My take on the cause is simply that as you mix radical religion (or belief) and violence, "true believers" start to turn on those who they are most directly in conflict with, the "non-believers." Historical precedents abound, with three of my personal favorites (and most screwed up) being the October Revolution in Russia or the Cultural Revolution in China and the 100 Years War in Europe. It is, quite simply, easier to pick a fight with those around you, if it's a fight you are after.
From the article:
Taking the long view, one might note that intra-Islamic feuding is as old as the religion itself. Of Muhammad's immediate successors—the "righteous caliphs," according to Sunni tradition—the first, Abu Bakr, may have been poisoned; the next three are all known to have been assassinated, with the murder of the third caliph (Othman) resulting in the schism from which the Shiite branch of Islam emerged. The Abassid revolt destroyed the Umayyad caliphate in the 8th century; the early 9th century was marked by civil war between the sons of the fifth Abassid caliph, Haroun al-Rashid. Al Qaeda itself has ancient Islamic antecedents: the 8th-century Kharajites, for instance, were notorious for their extreme puritanism, frequent recourse to violence, and the belief that they could declare their Muslim opponents to be infidels and treat them accordingly.


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